A Privacy Fence for Noise Reduction? Yes!

A Privacy Fence for Noise Reduction? Yes!

When it comes to living in the Atlanta area, you’re probably used to living with some level of noise pollution. Whether it’s the nonstop hum of traffic along overcrowded interstates, overhead air traffic for the world’s busiest airport, or any combination of a thousand other things you might hear in an average day. When you also consider that studies have shown that noise pollution can lead to stress, sleep deprivation, hearing loss, and high blood pressure, it becomes an even more pressing issue. One solution is a privacy fence for noise reduction.

A home is often considered a homeowner’s safe haven, so it’s only natural that the backyard should be as peaceful a retreat as possible. Most people crave quiet for when it’s time to unwind and push the world aside, even if only for a few stolen moments. A professional fence installer knows that there are a few key attributes to look for when selecting a privacy fence to help reduce noise. 


In order to block as much sound as possible, it’s best if the fence is a closed pattern (without gaps or cracks) to allow the least amount of sound through; vinyl or PVC is good for this. Some fences incorporate an interlocking tongue-and-groove system of composite material or wood to create a solid, impenetrable surface that blocks even more noise. Because mass dampens sound best, perhaps the best type of sound barrier would actually be a masonry wall, made with bricks, blocks, or stone of some sort. Of course, a wall would be much more expensive to install than a wood or vinyl privacy fence of the same length. 


Also important to a fence’s ability to abate noise is its height. Obviously, the shorter a fence is, the more likely that sound waves will be able to travel over it. Therefore, in order to block sound properly, the taller the fence, the better. Of course, this can get tricky with local zoning and municipal codes, depending on where the fence is going to be on your property. Most municipalities limit the height of fences and retaining walls, especially adjacent to roadways, as they can block drivers’ sight lines and visibility. 

Of course, because there are more factors to consider when choosing a fence as a noise barrier, it’s helpful to have a fencing professional to consult with on any potential project, especially in the early stages. No matter if it’s for your residential or commercial property, the helpful experts at First Fence of Georgia can walk you through all the ins and outs of the process, from start to finish. So whether it’s for noise reduction, curb appeal, privacy, security or any of the above, join the thousands of satisfied First Fence customers and give them a call today!